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Friday, September 25, 2009

Believe Your Path to Wealth

Believing a solution paves the way to solution ~ Dr. David Joseph Schwartz

Dr. Schwartz certainly knew what he was talking about. A leading authority on motivation in America, he authored his first bestseller - The Magic of Thinking Big about 30 years ago which became a bestseller. A trainer, consultant, lecturer and expert on motivation, Dr. Schwartz studied the subject for years and found that the key factor to personal success was the desire for it. That's the secret. Success, is not simply luck or circumstance but it's a choice.

Similarly, if you want to be financially free or even rich, you have to make a decision and hold strongly to that choice, desiring to see it through despite adversity, fear, worry or any obstacles come what may. In Napoleon Hill's historic book, Think and Grow Rich, the idea of belief and persistence are constantly emphasized. This is one book that most rich people have read before they became rich. I strongly recommend reading it as well to set it as a stepping stone to your success and financial independence.

But till that day comes, Believe.

Till next post,
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